I've been talking a lot about Otherland in the last few days with friends of mine and a lot of times I've heard the same sentence: "ah - you're a second life agency". That's the moment where I have to point out, that Second Life is just one virtual world and that there are already dozens of others ... and that we aren't a SL-only company.
And depending on whom you want to reach and which objective targets and requirements you have, it of course can make sense to think about another virtual world than Second Life. If you wanna learn more about the different worlds and if you want to know which is "the best" you should visit the War of the Worlds App on ning.
Is Kaneva cooler than Second Life? Does Entropia beat Eve Online? When we only had aliens, things were much easier. Now that we have hundreds of worlds, on which side will you stand? Have a look at the ‘War of the Worlds’ and join the fight. There are loads of virtual worlds competing. You can simply vote which one you like most by clicking on a logo versus another one at the time.