Today we had a pretty nice start in the day with our first "Metaversed Brunch". We talked with Jeff Barr about what he is doing for Amazon in Second Life and which experiences he made so far with in-world meetings.
I think giving your customers - or in Amazons case: developers - a regular chance to chat with you in-world, about what your company is doing and recieve immediate feedback is a great use-case of virtual worlds.
Jeff pointed out, that the advantage compared to web based conferencing systems is immense for him and that the feedback from his attendees proves that. What makes the difference is the feeling of really being there with others, the immersion and of course the possibility to interact with the audience.
Thanks to everybody who could show up today at short notice - I think we will plan next Metaverse Brunch Events more in advance and hope to see you there. Join us for example on twitter and you will know it first.