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the requirements do not look very virtual world-centric. Could you elaborate on the required tasks?

Markus Breuer (Pham Neutra)

Hi Woojay, such a discussion might be easier to do via email or on the telephone. :) Just try [email protected] (behind which is a colleage. so please forgive me, if you already did). For the public record just a few points:

The job is virtual worlds centric. :) All of our projects rotate around a common core: virtual worlds.

This does not mean that the skills required are virtual worlds EXCLUSIVE.

We have a few projects on the agenda, where we plan to interface web based applications with inworld systems (first within Second Life; other platforms to follow).

Most of the business logic of these applications will be implemented on the web side, though. Databases will reside on the web side. And most of the user interface will be on the web side, too.

The inworld components will consist of a set of object which you might call sensors and actors. Most of them will be relatively simple (from a scripting point of view).

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