I have to admit that - as a German - it feels unusual to have two Lords doing the opening speeches at a trade conference. But actually, the first one, Lord Putnam, seems to be quite knowledgeable of the technology and many of the philosophical, sociological and economical challenges originating in this field.
It's hard for me to summarize it all - most has been said before, too. What I liked most, though, was his attitude towards the virtual worlds targeted at children (Gaia, Barbie World etc.) which have been extremely sucessful lately. He asks, if it is really most important,/enough to censor their chats and protect their email adresses, while at the same time doing not much more than trying to sell them consumer products. Is there really nothing else that children can use virtual worlds for, tha to consume and chat?
Actually there is much more, IMHO. The public focus currently is too much on "protection", though, while it should be on enabling.
Technorati Tags: 3d web, iwf london, virtual worlds, web 3.d