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André Wegner

Eventhough the approach in general it looks like creating a guest book or chat room on my website (which doesn't seem to be interesting to me), I see one positive aspect.

One disadvantage of virtual worlds like SL is, that you have to dive deep into the world. Launch the software and play in this virtual world.

But the media usage looks different to me. I do have live streaming italian radio on one tab, the next is my blog, next is twitter, one for you tube and some other for things I wanted to read. Additionally Skype or Google talk. The list can be extended, but I think you see where I'm heading too.

Livley allows to do multiple tasks meanwhile. It doesn't suck up all my attention and besides it doesn't affect my computers performance in the same way.

Paul Gebelein

I think Lively could work out as a perfect tool to create "Kopräsenz" on websites and to make it experiencable. Guestbooks, comments etc. are heading for the same direction, but they are not realtime! And so they miss the whole immersion thing.
Of course this would only work on webpages who have enough visitors. But i guess something like Lively integrated in a site could help to make the visitors stay for a little bit longer.

Imagine a forum with a 3d-Chatroom in one corner or a commercial website with one for shopping advice or support or something.

The advantage of a Livelylike technology is, as far as i can see, the easy usage. No complicated viewer is required, you get realtime 3d-chatting with some immersion and you can put it everywhere.

Harald Felgner

Paul, I agree.

Lively can act as a ready-to-use extra room for your website, be it a physical representation of a sitemap, a showroom or a meeting area. And it has never been as easy to append a human-assisted customer support avatar to a Web presence. Just copy and paste an iframe!

Check out mine at http://www.felgner.ch/2008/07/lively.html - set up in 1 hour ...

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