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Mark Burk

Funnily enough, our company is actually called IntraWorlds.
We are building 'IntraWorlds' for companies, but have found that the virtual reality approach is an interesting techy gizmo, but not really as professional as many companies would like - most are looking for a knowledge exchange and professional network application - an internal version of linkedIn or XING that is customised for their purposes.

Markus Breuer (Pham Neutra)

>> most are looking for a knowledge exchange
>> and professional network application - an
>> internal version of linkedIn or XING that
> is customised for their purposes
This is certainly true! But please let us not forget, that in the time, when we tried to suggest the advantage of intranets to the same people, they were "looking for" a fileshare on the company LAN. And when the first pioneers suggested internal "social apps" a cantina menu and some downloadable forms were considered a state of the art intranet ...

Kai Ludwig

Second Life for your lounge

The following is pretty interesting but fairly unknown in the German-speaking countries and probably the rest of Europe.

There is now a viable alternative to Second Life, called OpenSimulator. Although still in alpha status, it is already intensively in use with an increasing number of open grids and a fast growing community.

It is a freely developed system, which works exactly like Second Life. The server system is open source and can be operated independently. To use it just take the Second Life client or one of the many available community clients that also are open source.

Since the beginning of 2007 a very large and distributed open source developer community is building a server for the Second Life protocol. Many well known companies (IBM, Nokia, Microsoft, …) and the major key players of the VR-industry have at least partially applied to this project and donated manpower to push the topic.

OpenSimulator is not just a plain copy of Second Life. Instead the developers work on creating an universal 3D application server for VR systems. Second Life is currently the main use case for OpenSimulator but there are many more. OpenSimulator is based on the Second Life protocol for virtual worlds, which probably will prevail as the future standard for networked VR. Possible applications are entertainment, edutainment, Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), Online Business Collaboration Solutions (OBCSs) and many more (new buzzword please !!!).

OpenSimulator is on its way to become the Apache of the Web 3D (just call it Web 3.0 from now on, it’s not the VRML crap from the past). The future clearly lies in the combination of the solid technologies of the Web 2.0 with the currently emerging interactive VR systems and their networked virtual worlds.

Web 2.0 + OpenSimulator = Web 3.0

Actually, we are facing the new era of the 3D Internet in the same stage (or at the same threshold), as we did in 1992/1993 with the era of the WWW. The technology is ready for use, but nobody is aware of it. Kicking off at any time, nobody dares to start or use the potential. “WWW? What the heck is that?” In the meantime the good old Internet has been fully integrated with our daily professional life. It is happening again. The market for the 3D Internet is raising at present and we are located at the beginning of an exponential development cycle. Naturally being at its beginning very shallow so most slumber away the start of this new development. But soon it will take off forcefully, taking its early adopters to the top.

Another highlight is www.realxtend.org, which bases on OpenSimulator. It is open source too and offers even more features. Outstanding is the possibility to visit all virtual worlds with one single avatar having its global inventory with it all the time. The RealXtend and OpenSimulator teams are working closely together to merge their developments targeting an OpenSimulator version with RealXtend as plugins.

We at TalentRaspel virtual worlds Ltd. engaged ourselves in OpenSimulator, RealXtend and the analysis of the related impact on the future of virtual worlds and the Web 3.0. Seeking to provide the impetus for this technology in Europe we are looking forward for anyone willing to join helping us. Contact: [email protected].

In addition we offer our assistance to everybody, whether professional or hobbyist, interested in getting an impression of the new world of the now open Second Life.

Greetings from the real world,
Kai Ludwig
TalentRaspel virtual worlds Ltd.

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